

CobMaker - Cobol Development Tools

CobMaker is an easy-to-use feature-rich COBOL product suite containing powerful tools for the development and maintenance of COBOL-based applications. CobMaker is especially adapted to the AcuCobol-GT compiler, and is available for UNIX, Linux and Windows Server. Product versions compatible with OpenCOBOL and COBOL-IT are in preparation and will be soon available.

CobMaker is equipped with powerful designers (screen/report painters), editors (code/object editors) and automatic source writers, that let users develop business applications faster and more efficiently. CobMaker also includes a number of callable runtime functions enhancing file, screen, report, message and other processing from within application programs.


System Features

Essential system features of CobMaker include:

  • Project-oriented storage of sources and system files in directory structures.
  • Basic configuration and runtime/compiler properties of the COBOL application on project-level.
  • Log-in procedure giving the developer his authorization and properties, as defined in the user account.
  • Multi-user development allowing team members to have simultaneous access to same project.
  • Locking of sources and objects during a specific time period, defined by each developer.
  • Easy-to-use desktop interface with different views for functions and objects.
  • Data dictionaries (DIC) for file descriptions, records and data items, with an extended COPY statement syntax.
  • Object-oriented development separating COBOL coding and object design, like screens and reports.
  • Built-in pre-compiler converting references to DIC items and MACCO statements into normal COBOL syntax.
  • Source-writer generating small subprograms for objects, keeping only the executable files after compilation.
  • File editor for editing, searching and viewing of records, and creation of data files, without COBOL programming.
  • Screen designer for both the GUI and the character-based interface with structure editor for form layout properties, supporting up to 9 languages.
  • Global and screen-specific menu bars, tool bars and push buttons for the GUI interface.
  • Event-driven programming by means of a powerful form handler, allowing the equal handling of GUI and character-based screens at runtime.
  • Report writer with design painter and structure editor for all layout properties, supporting up to 9 languages.
  • Callable operational reports producing print files for the spooling system, controlled by logical functions.
  • Window module allowing the design of file-related "paged windows" presenting data records in different views.
  • Application menus displaying submenus and programs for execution, with an easy-to-use menu structure editor.
  • Global and screen-specific application messages, error texts, help texts and question texts.
  • Variable-sized small texts associated to memo numbers, controlled by a powerful runtime memo text handler.
  • User-defined menus displaying application subprograms for execution, controlled by a runtime menu handler.
  • File retrieval function based on simple SQL syntax, in order to search, view and print records in data files.
  • COBOL coding, compiling, error-fixing and debugging by means of the built-in object-oriented editor.
  • Queue processing for sources and objects, allowing the compilation of program groups or the entire application.
  • Background spooling of print files produced by CobMaker and the COBOL compiler, with an interface to the spooler of the host system.
  • Front-end spool manager allowing the searching, viewing and printing of spool files, and changing their properties.
  • Macro language MACCO, allowing the definition of user-specific syntax extensions to COBOL.
  • Cross-reference library presenting relationships between sources, objects, data items, literals and variables.
  • Callable runtime functions enhancing file, screen, report, message and other processing.
  • Easy-to-use system administration to configure CobMaker with powerful functions for printing, copying, renaming and searching of sources and objects.
  • Export/Import functions to backup/restore sources and objects in platform-independent archives.
  • Multi-language development on object-level, supporting 1 native and up to 8 foreign languages.
  • CobMaker and application execution in both character-based and GUI mode.
  • Multiple instances of CobMaker running simultaneously, with support for up to 9 sessions per user.
  • Easy interface to AcuCobol utilities and external tools.

Learn more about CobMaker solutions


System Requirements

Operating System

Microsoft WIndows XP/Vista, Windows 7/8.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008.
Any UNIX/Linux platform for which AcuCobol-GT is available.
UNIX enterprise servers: AIX, Solaris.
Linux enterprise servers: SUSE, Red Hat, Oracle.
Linux clients: Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE.

Cobol Compiler/Runtime

AcuCobol-GT compiler 5.2 or higher (8.x/9.x recommended).
OpenCOBOL 1.1 (beta interface available).
COBOL-IT Standard 2.6.4/2.8.8 (rc interface available).

Additional Software

APEX - COBOL application runtime for end users.
CobEdit - COBOL source editor with compiler interface.
PuTTY - Most used terminal emulator.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008/2010 (for COBOL-IT/Windows)


Product Licensing

All CobMaker Software products are distributed as evaluation versions. After purchasing a license the evaluation version can be unlocked to a full version. The products are licensed for use on one single computer/server, based on the purchased number of concurrent connections.

Please contact info@cobmaker.com for details and prices.


Project Properties:

Project Team:

Record Description:

Item Description:

File Description:

Screen Layout:

Cobol Program:

Program Compile (CobEdit):

Program Compile (CobMaker):

Spool Index:

Spool File Properties:

Compilation Result:
















